miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2008

Cliente VPN

Para instalarlo: sudo apt-get install vpnc
Para conectar: /etc/vpnc/vpnc-connect file.conf
Para desconectar: /etc/vpnc/vpnc-disconnect

Cliente SFTP

Con Alt-F2 se accede a la ventana de ejecución de aplicaciones.

Ahí ingresar sftp://url....


Permitir la ejecución de aplicaciones desde la SD

There's a file in /sbin called probedevice which sets up the options for mounting different filesystems. The 'FAT' and 'msdos' filesystem types are configured with 'noexec' (which turns off the ability to run programs from the filesystem), and a fmask of '111' (which doesn't permit the changing of the execute bit even if the 'noexec' option isn't present). On lines 43 and 44 of the file, if you change the 2 'noexec' options to 'exec', and change the value of fmask from '111' to '0', save and reboot, then you'll be able to execute programs from the SD card (and probably USB memory devices too).EDIT: You'll need to do this as root, normal users don't have permission to modify this file.